Archive for the ‘games’ Category

Impresi Arcania – Gothic 4

Posted: October 19, 2010 in games

Baru nyobain game ini…

untuk informasi:

Dari wikipedia.


Berikut beberapa komentar begitu nyoba:

– Wah, kualitas grafiknya bagus…

– Efek suara bagus.. mendengarkan suara ombak dari tebing emang mantap.

– Melihat matahari terbit di pantai… Hmmm… indah.

– Sayang sekali, cewenya kurang cantik.. At least, saya belum nemu cewe cantik disini (Keberadaan cewe cantik itu PENTING!)

– combat gameplay lumayan. sayang lompat ngga bisa dipake buat combat. cuma buat ngelompatin pagar sama terrain lain yang ngga bisa dilewatin dengan jalan biasa

– Saya merasa kalo perjalanannya sang tokoh utama sangat berbasis quest…


Hmm.. segitu dulu deh.. mungkin review lengkapnya bisa menyusul. At the very least, saya ngerate game ini Average. Soalnya ngga bisa bikin saya bertahan main sampe pagi, hahahaha.


Allright, it’s a holiday for me. A sinful holiday to be exact (Don’t ask me about the sinful part, I just feel like putting it there). And I’m pretty bored of my current games. So I decided to play good old games that I have.

Warhammer 40000 Dawn of War Soulstorm. A good RTS game that features around 9 factions to play around. For those of you who are not familiar with the title, just Google away! 😛

Because there’s so much factions to choose from, you could spend days (or weeks) playing this game before you’re bored. Of course if you play the campaign you’ll only be playing with one for most. On this occasions, I will tell a few stories about the Imperial Guards.

We die standing

For everyone of you who falls in battle, ten more will replace his place! — Imperial Guardsmen Sergeant


Dawn of War II

Posted: February 26, 2009 in games


Yeah… sudah nyoba. Supah nagih…

Sistemnya berubah dari yang lama. Dawn of War I masih RTS banget. Yang sekarang menarik. Cem RPG.  Heronya pun bisa level up dan di upgrade.

hero1Trus sekarang pake squad, cem ground control. Serunya squadnya bisa pake cover, dan AInya lumayan. Bisa naik level pula di campaignnya… 😛

battleGih coba….